Greg “Ghostcrawler” Street, lead systems designer, announced on the official World of Warcraft site that there is a patch being prepared that will introduce some class changes based on the things Blizzards has seen so far in game and based on player feedback. None of the things mentioned in his article are set in stone and Blizzard is still monitoring all the numbers, but there are definitely some patterns that I am guessing will translate into patch changes. In PvE they are not happy with some classes single target damage ( Arcane, Marksman and Beastmaster for example), while healing and tanking seem to be in line with what Blizzard wants. PvP, Stats and additional class-specific changes are also talked about in the article and I suggest you read it by visiting this link here.
It has been about 2 weeks since Cataclysm launched and we have been very busy all this time trying to do as many quests as possible, so we can provide you with screenshots that will help and guide you through some of the more difficult steps. I am proud to announce that more than a thousand quests have had screenshot walkthroughs added to them and that most of the Cataclysm content has been covered in this short time. You can imagine how taking screenshots for every quest we come across in the game and than uploading them along with helpful commentary can be a time consuming process. To go through so many quests and content in such a short period is an achievement (in my opinion) that deserves a custom title from Blizzard :). We are only getting started though. Our goal is to go through lower level content as well and over time cover the whole game with helpful guides of all sorts. The fact that we have seen constant rise of visitors in this very short time period we have been online (less than a month) seems to point to the fact that we are doing something people want to see. We thank you all for visiting the site and we’ll do our best to improve the quality of content you can find at WoW Life in the months to come.
Your grind masters,
Lokesh, File and Mikro
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Several weeks ago there was a rumor floating around that a product slate leaked from Blizzard. reported on this with an image showing supposed Diablo 3 release date as well as World of Warcraft expansion 4 and 5 expected release dates. Among these there is a strange thing called Titan that is supposed to be released in Q4 2013. Gamers speculated that project Titan is the unannounced next gen MMO Blizzard has been rumored to be making.
It is not a rumor anymore. At this year’s Video Game Awards Destructoid interviewed Frank Pearce, Senior VP of Blizzard Entertainment. They were bold enough to start their interview with the question: “What is Titan?”. They actually got an answer and yes, Titan is Blizzard’s next gen MMO project. You can see the interview bellow and hear some cool info on the Warcraft movie as well.
Blackwing Descent is a raid instance added in the Cataclysm expansion and it features dragons, dragons everywhere. We see the return of our good friends Nefarian and Onyxia whose encounters are one of the most memorable ones from vanilla WoW. … Continue reading →
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On this page you can view all the bosses and items/loot that they drop in Blackwing Descent raid that became available with the Cataclysm World of Warcraft expansion. Blackwing Descent is a new entry-level raid and it is designed as a 10/25-man raid instance for players level 85. The instance entrance is located inside the Blackrock mountain close to where the old Blackwing Lair raid was. Nefarian is resurrected by his father Deathwing and this instance is a kind of continuation of the story in Blackwing Lair.
Cataclysm Dungeons/Instances: Blackrock Caverns | Blackwing Descent | Grim Batol | Halls of Origination | Lost City of the Tol’vir | Shadowfang Keep | The Bastion of Twilight | The Deadmines | The Stonecore | The Vortex Pinnacle | Throne of the Tides
Symbiotic Worm Binds when picked up Unique-Equipped
+482 Stamina Requires Level 85 Item Level 359
Equip: Melee attacks which reduce you below 35% health cause you to gain 963 mastery rating for 10 sec. Cannot occur more than once every 30 sec. Sell Price: 8g 5s 7c
Equip: Increases your haste rating by 97 (2.05% @ L85). Equip: Increases spell power by 1954. Equip: Increases your mastery rating by 97. Sell Price: 3g 4s 10c
Jar of Ancient Remedies Binds when picked up Unique-Equipped
Requires Level 85 Item Level 359
Equip: Your healing spells grant Inner Eye, increasing spirit by 103 for 15 sec and stacking up to 5 times. Use: Grants 6420 mana, but consumes all applications of Inner Eye and prevents Inner Eye from being triggered for 30 sec. (2 Min Cooldown) Sell Price: 8g 5s 7c
Bell of Enraging Resonance Binds when picked up Unique-Equipped
Requires Level 85 Item Level 359
Equip: Increases your critical strike rating by 321 (4.85% @ L85). Equip: Your harmful spell critical strikes have a chance to grant 1926 spell power for 20 sec. Sell Price: 8g 5s 7c
Heart of Rage Binds when picked up Unique-Equipped
Requires Level 85 Item Level 359
Equip: Increases your expertise rating by 321 (28.95 @ L85). Equip: Your melee attacks have a chance to grant 1926 Strength for 20 sec. Sell Price: 8g 5s 7c
Throne of the Tides is the first instance you’ll come across in Cataclysm. Do not skipt this instance because it provides a unique experience with its underwater setting and fun encounters. Ozumat, last boss of the instance, is one of the most unique encounter we’ve seen in MMORPG games so far.
In our quest to provide you with as many guides and information as possible for every game aspect we started making videos of instances and boss en counters. Ozumat has that honor to be the subject of our first video walkthrough. We’ll continue making these and adding them to the Instance loot and boss pages.
Here is another boss kill video tutorial for Erunak Stonespeaker/Mindbender Ghur’sha that has also been added to the Throne of the Tides bosses and loot page:
I am not sure if any of you noticed that almost every time you start up the WoW launcher it starts either downloading small portions of data or is applying non-critical game patches. These are hotfixes being applied to your client and there have been several in the past few days. They address various issues related to the release of patch 4.0.3a and World of Warcraft: Cataclysm and some may not be implemented until the next time your realm is restarted. You can check out all the hotfixes applied so far and the changes they introduced by reading this official post on the new WoW site. The latest is dated December 7 and it brings minor changes among which is the following:
It is no longer possible for an ill-mannered person of the opposing faction to one-shot a flight trainer in Stormwind or Orgrimmar, which in turn made the 500 players standing on top of the flight trainer with their mammoths really sad.
Only 14 hours have passed since Cataclysm launched and we already have Realm First level 85 achievements appearing all over the place. The screenshot above was taken on the server I play on and I just wanted to document it for everyone to see. This feels like a superhuman feat to me, but it was probably a very well planned and executed gaming session. Congrats to all the speed levelers for their achievements. We’ll see you at 85 in a month or so :).
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This is probably the only thing you are seeing right now. The login servers are overpowered by the sheer number of players trying to experience the new content, but I imagine the initial rush will pass soon enough. In the meantime, you can check out the list of quests you will be facing if you decide to start a new Worgen or Goblin character.
We are only a few hours away from the Cataclysm launch and we are proud to be launching another portion of our site – Cataclysm Instance Loot Tables. These will contain information on all the bosses you can find in the newly released dungeons as well as all the loot you can get from them in both normal and heroic modes. The information is not 100% complete for all the instances and loot tables, but we thought we at least release something. I figure you at least have some guidance through the new content :). Here’s a list of the available loot tables: