Tag Archives: Icecrown

Strength Ring Flag

Strength Ring Flag – World of Warcraft Quest – Level: 31113 – Location: Icecrown Continue reading

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A Victory For The Sunreavers

A Victory For The Sunreavers – World of Warcraft Quest – Faction: Horde – Level: 80 – Min Level: 80 – Location: Icecrown | Bring the Restored Quel’Delar to Justicar Mariel Trueheart at the Argent Tournament Grounds. Continue reading

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A Victory For The Sunreavers

A Victory For The Sunreavers – World of Warcraft Quest – Faction: Horde – Level: 80 – Min Level: 80 – Location: Icecrown | Bring the Restored Quel’Delar to Justicar Mariel Trueheart at the Argent Tournament Grounds. Continue reading

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A Victory For The Sunreavers

A Victory For The Sunreavers – World of Warcraft Quest – Faction: Horde – Level: 80 – Min Level: 80 – Location: Icecrown | Bring the Restored Quel’Delar to Archmage Aethas Sunreaver at the Violet Citadel in Dalaran. Continue reading

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A Victory For The Sunreavers

A Victory For The Sunreavers – World of Warcraft Quest – Faction: Horde – Level: 80 – Min Level: 80 – Location: Icecrown | Bring the Restored Quel’Delar to Archmage Aethas Sunreaver at the Violet Citadel in Dalaran. Continue reading

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A Victory For The Silver Covenant

A Victory For The Silver Covenant – World of Warcraft Quest – Faction: Alliance – Level: 80 – Min Level: 80 – Location: Icecrown | Bring the Restored Quel’Delar to Vereesa Windrunner at the Violet Citadel in Dalaran. Continue reading

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A Victory For The Silver Covenant

A Victory For The Silver Covenant – World of Warcraft Quest – Faction: Alliance – Level: 80 – Min Level: 80 – Location: Icecrown | Bring the Restored Quel’Delar to Justicar Mariel Trueheart at the Argent Tournament Grounds. Continue reading

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Return To Myralion Sunblaze

Return To Myralion Sunblaze – World of Warcraft Quest – Faction: Horde – Level: 80 – Min Level: 80 – Location: Icecrown | Bring Ancient Dragonforged Blades to Myralion Sunblaze at Quel’Delar’s Rest. Continue reading

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Tempering The Blade

Tempering The Blade – World of Warcraft Quest – Faction: Horde – Level: 80 – Min Level: 80 – Location: Icecrown | Temper the Re-forged Quel’Delar in the Crucible of Souls. Continue reading

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The Battered Hilt

The Battered Hilt – World of Warcraft Quest – Faction: Horde – Level: 80 – Min Level: 80 – Location: Icecrown | Bring the Battered Hilt to Myralion Sunblaze at Quel’Delar’s Rest, south of the Argent Tournament Grounds. Continue reading

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