Shadowpine Weaponry

Quest Objective:

Collect 3 Headhunter Axes, 3 Shadowcaster Maces, 3 Catlord Claws and 3 Hexxer Staves. Return them to Captain Helios at Farstrider Enclave in the Ghostlands.
  • 1. Headhunter Axe (3)
  • 2. Shadowcaster Mace (3)
  • 3. Catlord Claws (3)
  • 4. Hexxer Stave (3)
Category: Eastern Kingdoms
Area: Ghostlands
Side: Horde
Level: 18
Required Level: 15


Money: 10s
XP: 1350

You get reputation with the following factions:

250 rep points with Silvermoon City
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