Have They No Shame?

Starts at: Librarian Serrah

Quest Objective:

Librarian Serrah wants you to enter the Nexus and recover Berinand’s Research.
  • 1. Berinand’s Research

Ends at: Librarian Serrah

Category: Dungeons
Area: The Nexus
Side: Alliance
Type: Dungeon
Given by: Librarian Serrah
Level: 71
Required Level: 68


Money: 18g 80s
XP: 40200

You get reputation with the following factions:

350 rep points with Kirin Tor

You get to pick one of the following:

Shoulders of the Northern Lights
Cured Mammoth Hide Mantle
Tundra Tracker’s Shoulderguards
Tundra Pauldrons
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