Changing the Wind’s Course

Starts at: Xarantaur

Quest Objective:

Use the Lorehammer to travel back in time and face the North Wind as Stormhoof. When Stormhoof falls and drops the Horn of Elemental Fury, use it to finish off the North Wind, and then return to Xarantaur at Camp Tunka’lo.
  • 1. True timeline restored
  • 2. The Lorehammer (Provided)

Ends at: Xarantaur

Category: Northrend
Area: The Storm Peaks
Side: Horde
Given by: Xarantaur
Level: 80
Required Level: 77


Money: 14g 80s
XP: 27550

You get reputation with the following factions:

350 rep points with Warsong Offensive

You get to pick one of the following:

Iceshrieker’s Touch
Razor-Sharp Ice Shards
Wand of Chilled Renewal
Weighted Throwing Axe
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