Feeding Arngrim

Starts at: Arngrim the Insatiable

Quest Objective:

You are to feed Arngrim 5 Disembodied Jormungar, then return to Arngrim’s frozen image in Dun Niffelem.

You must go to the Valley of Ancient Winters and use Arngrim’s Tooth on the Roaming Jormungar there. Once they have become disembodied, you must fight them until they are weakened.
  • 1. Arngrim’s spirit fed (5)

Ends at: Arngrim the Insatiable

Category: Northrend
Area: The Storm Peaks
Side: Both
Type: Daily
Given by: Arngrim the Insatiable
Level: 80
Required Level: 77


Money: 7g 40s
XP: 22050

You get reputation with the following factions:

350 rep points with The Sons of Hodir
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