Cleansing Drak’Tharon

Starts at: Image of Drakuru

Quest Objective:

Drakuru wants you to use Drakuru’s Elixir at his brazier inside Drak’Tharon. Using Drakuru’s Elixir there will require 5 Enduring Mojo.

Ends at: Drakuru

Category: Dungeons
Area: Drak’Tharon Keep
Side: Both
Type: Dungeon
Given by: Image of Drakuru
Level: 75
Required Level: 73


Money: 17g 70s
XP: 31450

You get to pick one of the following:

Shroud of Temptation
Enticing Sabatons
Shackles of Dark Whispers
Shoulders of the Seducer
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