Zeth’Gor Must Burn!

Starts at: Captain Darkhowl

Quest Objective:

Kill Bleeding Hollow Peons for their torches, ignite them at Zeth’Gor’s forge then throw the burning torches at Zeth’Gor Buildings.
  • 1. Barracks Burned
  • 2. Eastern Hovel Burned
  • 3. Western Hovel Burned
  • 4. Stable Burned

Ends at: Captain Darkhowl

Category: Outland
Area: Hellfire Peninsula
Side: Horde
Given by: Captain Darkhowl
Level: 61
Required Level: 58


Money: 2g
XP: 9800

You get reputation with the following factions:

250 rep points with Thrallmar

You get to pick one of the following:

Infiltrator’s Cloak
Vindicator’s Cloak
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