High Value Targets

Starts at: Spymaster Thalodien

Quest Objective:

Spymaster Thalodien at Area 52 wants you to go to Manaforge B’naar and slay 2 Sunfury Warp-Masters, 6 Sunfury Warp-Engineers and 8 Sunfury Geologists.

Completing quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.
  • 1. Sunfury Warp-Master slain (2)
  • 2. Sunfury Warp-Engineer slain (6)
  • 3. Sunfury Geologist slain (8)

Ends at: Spymaster Thalodien


Money: 3g 90s
XP: 12000

You get reputation with the following factions:

250 rep points with The Scryers
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