Paragons of Power: The Vindicator’s Belt

Quest Objective:

Bring Jin’rokh the Breaker a Primal Hakkari Girdle. You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Honored with the Zandalar Tribe.

Jin’rokh the Breaker is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.
  • 1. Primal Hakkari Girdle
  • 2. Zandalar Tribe (Honored)
Category: Raids
Area: Zul’Gurub
Type: Raid
Required Class: Warrior
Level: 60
Required Level: 58


XP: 9550

You get reputation with the following factions:

350 rep points with Zandalar Tribe

You get the following:

Zandalar Vindicator’s Belt
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