This Means WAR (Wild Arachnid Roundup)

Quest Objective:

Mount a Hearthglen Mustang near the Northridge Lumber Mill, then use its Whinny ability to send 10 Northridge Spiders to the Hearthglen Recruits at the Northridge Lumber Mill. You can round up several spiders at once.
  • 1. Northridge Spider lured to Lumber Mill (10)
Category: Eastern Kingdoms
Area: Western Plaguelands
Side: Both
Level: 37
Required Level: 34


Money: 40s
XP: 5550

You get reputation with the following factions:

250 rep points with Argent Crusade

You get to pick one of the following:

Band of the Arachnid Wrangler
Spider Frier
Spider Splatter Mace
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