Tirion’s Gambit

Starts at: Highlord Tirion Fordring

Quest Objective:

Tirion Fordring, at the Crusader’s Pinnacle, wants you to obtain and wear a Cultist Acolyte’s Hood and meet him at the entrance of the Cathedral of Darkness, northwest of Icecrown Citadel.
  • 1. Tirion’s Gambit

Ends at: Highlord Tirion Fordring

Category: Northrend
Area: Icecrown
Side: Alliance
Given by: Highlord Tirion Fordring
Level: 80
Required Level: 77


Money: 22g 20s
XP: 33100

You get reputation with the following factions:

500 rep points with Argent Crusade
500 rep points with Knights of the Ebon Blade
500 rep points with Valiance Expedition
500 rep points with Warsong Offensive

You get to pick one of the following:

Blade of the Empty Void
Knife of the Tarnished Soul
Hammer of Wrenching Change
Stave of Youthful Sorrow
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