My Enemy’s Friend

Starts at: Conqueror Krenna

Quest Objective:

Conqueror Krenna in Conquest Hold wants you to slay 8 Silverbrook Hunters and their leader, Vladek, at the Forest’s Edge Post.
  • 1. Silverbrook Hunter slain (8)
  • 2. Vladek slain

Ends at: Conqueror Krenna

Category: Northrend
Area: Grizzly Hills
Side: Horde
Given by: Conqueror Krenna
Level: 75
Required Level: 73
Part of Series


XP: 20950

You get to pick one of the following:

Bramble-Proof Leggings
Patchhide Pants
Legguards of Swift Pursuit
Snaptooth Legplates
Injured Trapper’s Cloak
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