The Frost Wyrm and its Master

Starts at: Celea Frozenmane

Quest Objective:

Slay Wyrmcaller Vile and use the Wyrmcaller’s Horn to call down and slay Glacion. Then, return with the horn to Celea Frozenmane at Camp Winterhoof.
  • 1. Wyrmcaller Vile slain
  • 2. Glacion slain
  • 3. Wyrmcaller’s Horn
  • 4. Suggested players: 2

Ends at: Celea Frozenmane

Category: Northrend
Area: Howling Fjord
Side: Horde
Type: Group
Given by: Celea Frozenmane
Level: 72
Required Level: 68
Part of Series


Money: 10g
XP: 25400

You get reputation with the following factions:

350 rep points with The Taunka

You get to pick one of the following:

Earthwell Footwraps
Magispike Helm
Silversteel Gauntlets
Lost Vrykul Signet
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