What Came First, the Drake or the Egg?

Starts at: Fizit “Doc” Clocktock

Quest Objective:

Collect 3 Proto-Nether Drake Essences, 3 Adolescent Drake Essences and 3 Mature Drake Essences.
  • 1. Proto-Nether Drake Essence (3)
  • 2. Adolescent Nether Drake Essence (3)
  • 3. Mature Nether Drake Essence (3)
  • 4. Temporal Phase Modulator (Provided)

Ends at: Fizit “Doc” Clocktock

Category: Outland
Area: Blade’s Edge Mountains
Side: Alliance
Given by: Fizit “Doc” Clocktock
Level: 67
Required Level: 65


Money: 3g 70s
XP: 11650

You get to pick one of the following:

Fizit’s Mantle of Drake Hunting
Precise Gloves of Alacrity
Devolved Drake Girdle
Clocktock’s Jumpers

You get the following:

5x Medicinal Drake Essence
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