A Curse Upon Both of Your Clans!

Starts at: T’chali the Witch Doctor

Quest Objective:

Use the Wicked Strong Fetish to curse 5 buildings or towers in Bladespire Hold and 2 in Bloodmaul Outpost.
  • 1. Bladespire Hold building cursed (5)
  • 2. Bloodmaul Outpost building cursed (2)
  • 3. Wicked Strong Fetish (Provided)

Ends at: T’chali the Witch Doctor

Category: Outland
Area: Blade’s Edge Mountains
Side: Horde
Given by: T’chali the Witch Doctor
Level: 66
Required Level: 65


Money: 7g
XP: 14150

You get to pick one of the following:

Witch Doctor’s Beads
T’chali’s Kilt
Hexxer’s Belt
Ogre Defiler’s Handguards
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