The Flesh Lies…

Starts at: Agent Araxes

Quest Objective:

Use the Protectorate Igniter on 12 Withered Corpses. Return the Protectorate Igniter to Agent Araxes outside of Access Shaft Zeon when the task is complete.
  • 1. Withered Corpses Burned (12)
  • 2. Protectorate Igniter (Provided)

Ends at: Agent Araxes

Category: Outland
Area: Netherstorm
Side: Both
Given by: Agent Araxes
Level: 70
Required Level: 68


XP: 12650

You get reputation with the following factions:

250 rep points with The Consortium

You get to pick one of the following:

Demolisher’s Bracers
Flesh Handler’s Gauntlets
Protectorate Waistband
Boots of the Nexus Warden
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