Ruthless Cunning

Starts at: Lantresor of the Blade

Quest Objective:

Lantresor of the Blade at the Burning Blade Ruins in Nagrand wants you to drive 10 Warmaul Ogre Banners through the bodies of Kil’sorrow members at Kil’sorrow Fortress.

Return any unused Warmaul Ogre Banners.
  • 1. Warmaul Ogre Banner Planted (10)
  • 2. Warmaul Ogre Banner (Provided)

Ends at: Lantresor of the Blade

Category: Outland
Area: Nagrand
Side: Both
Given by: Lantresor of the Blade
Level: 66
Required Level: 64


Money: 3g 50s
XP: 11300
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