On this page you can view all the bosses and items/loot that they drop in Blackwing Descent raid that became available with the Cataclysm World of Warcraft expansion. Blackwing Descent is a new entry-level raid and it is designed as a 10/25-man raid instance for players level 85. The instance entrance is located inside the Blackrock mountain close to where the old Blackwing Lair raid was. Nefarian is resurrected by his father Deathwing and this instance is a kind of continuation of the story in Blackwing Lair.
Cataclysm Dungeons/Instances:
Blackrock Caverns |
Blackwing Descent |
Grim Batol |
Halls of Origination |
Lost City of the Tol’vir |
Shadowfang Keep |
The Bastion of Twilight |
The Deadmines |
The Stonecore |
The Vortex Pinnacle |
Throne of the Tides
Omnitron Defense System
Trash Mobs
this is so u can see the stats of wat is at the bottom