On this page you can view all the bosses and items/loot that they drop in The Stonecore instance/dungeon that became available with the Cataclysm World of Warcraft expansion. The Stonecore is designed as a 5-man instance for players level 82 to 84 and it is located in Deepholm. The entrance is at [47, 52] on the west side of the Temple of Earth, 2/3 to the top. Queuing for Stonecore through the Dungeon Finder requires an average item level of 272. There is also a Level 85 only Heroic version of the instance.
Cataclysm Dungeons/Instances:
Blackrock Caverns |
Blackwing Descent |
Grim Batol |
Halls of Origination |
Lost City of the Tol’vir |
Shadowfang Keep |
The Bastion of Twilight |
The Deadmines |
The Stonecore |
The Vortex Pinnacle |
Throne of the Tides
High Priestess Azil
Trash Mobs
When I reach the bottom of the instance loot list items the stats are obscured by the *Leave a reply* section. I am not sure if its my pc but thats what its doing. Otherwise awesome informative site I plan on returning here and recommending my guildies to visit.
It’s not just your computer. I used control+scroll to adjust the text to where I can make it out. Still, this is very helpful for gearing up 🙂