On this page you can view all the bosses and items/loot that they drop in Halls of Origination instance/dungeon that became available with the Cataclysm World of Warcraft expansion. Halls of Origination is designed as a 5-man instance for players level 84 to 85 and it is located at [72, 52] of eastern Uldum inside the large pyramid. There is also a Level 85 only Heroic version of the instance.
Cataclysm Dungeons/Instances:
Blackrock Caverns |
Blackwing Descent |
Grim Batol |
Halls of Origination |
Lost City of the Tol’vir |
Shadowfang Keep |
The Bastion of Twilight |
The Deadmines |
The Stonecore |
The Vortex Pinnacle |
Throne of the Tides
Temple Guardian Anhuur
Earthrager Ptah
Trash Mobs
posting so you can see bottom item stats