Pilgrim’s Bounty is a world event that lasts from November 21. to November 27. It coincides with the Thanksgiving Holiday in the United States and is all about cooking and feasting with your friends. It is a cook’s dream holiday and includes food fights, turkey hunting and easy cooking leveling up to 350 skill. The only down side to the whole event is the need to frequently travel in between capital towns.
Important Note no. 1: There are Bountiful tables located near all capital cities that are involved in a number of achievements related to this event. Things you need to know about these tables:
- There are 5 types of chairs to sit in and each type is related to a different type of food
- Once you sit in the chair you get 2 new abilities in your skill bar: Pass food and Eat food
- Eating the same type of food will give you that food’s buff and there is an achievement for getting buffs from all 5 types of food
- You can pass food to players sitting next to you and this works as part of another achievement as well
Important Note no. 2: Pilgrim’s Bounty Daily quests award
Pilgrim’s Hat,
Pilgrim’s Robe, etc. There is an achievement called
Turkey Lurkey and to do it as quickly as possible you should pick the Hat and one of the chests, and for the rest you should be choosing the
Turkey Shooter, since that is the item needed to complete the achievement.
Pilgrim’s Bounty Achivements
Food Fight
Sit at the Bountiful table (any food type) and use the Pass Food skill until it says that you’ve accidentally hit another player with food. To be able to do this achievement you have to have someone else sitting with you at the table.
Now We’re Cookin’
Buy the Bountiful Cookbook from a Festival vendor or loot it from a nearby Bountiful Barrel. Learn all the recipes found inside and than make one of each newly learned meals.
Pilgrim’s Paunch
Visit and sit at a Bountiful Table in each of the capital cities. You need to sit in all 5 different food type chairs and eat that type of food 5 times at each of the cities to earn the achievement.
Pilgrim’s Peril
You need to go to opposing faction capitals and sit at their Bountiful Tables
Pilgrim’s Progress

Complete every Pilgrim’s Bounty Daily quest (and read the achi description in the meantime 😛 )
Sharing is Caring
Sit on each of the chairs (that represent different food types) at the Bountiful Table and use skill 1 (pass the food around – you need another player to pass the food to, to be able to complete this achievement)
Terokkar Turkey Time
You need to kill Sethekk Hals First Boss while wearing Pilgrim’s Hat and either a Pilgrim’s Dress, Robe, or Attire. (
don’t forget to wear the Pilgrim’s items)
The Turkinator
While killing Wild Turkey you get a “Turkey Tracker” buff. When you achieve 40 of those buffs you get “Turkey Triumph” and the achievement done. P.S. Area just south from Scarlet Monastery was ideal for me , lots of Wild Turkeys there.
Turkey Lurkey
You need to shoot rogues of every race by using the Turkey Shooter you get from quests.
Pilgrim’s Bounty Quests
One thing you should know is that some of the reagents needed for some of these quests are located in different capital towns.
Tangy Southfury Cranberries can only be found in Orgrimmar

Ripe Tirisfal Pumpkin can be found in Undercity
Mulgore Sweet Potato can be found in Thunder Bluff

Wild Turkey hunted in Elwynn Forest or Tirisfal Glades (Area just south of Scarlet Monastery is ideal)
Horde quest list (follow the links to full quest walkthroughs with screenshots)