Small Comforts

Starts at: Cailin Longfellow

Quest Objective:

Find and return Meara’s Dried Roses, Parlan’s Ivory Hammer, and Aprika’s Doll.
  • 1. Meara’s Dried Roses
  • 2. Parlan’s Ivory Hammer
  • 3. Aprika’s Doll

Ends at: Cailin Longfellow

Category: Eastern Kingdoms
Area: Twilight Highlands
Side: Alliance
Given by: Cailin Longfellow
Level: 84
Required Level: 84


Money: 9g
XP: 55200

You get reputation with the following factions:

250 rep points with Unknown

You get to pick one of the following:

Fire-Dodged Shoulderpads
Waistguard of Salvaged Happiness
Legplates of Remnants
Drape of Lost Valuables
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