Losing Your Tail

Starts at: Belrysa Starbreeze

NPC: Belrysa Starbreeze image 1 thumbnail
thanks to: Lokesh
NPC: Belrysa Starbreeze image 2 thumbnail
thanks to: Lokesh

Quest Objective:

Use Belrysa’s Talisman to defeat the Dark Scout.

Ends at: Enormous Gyreworm Bunny

Category: Eastern Kingdoms
Area: Gilneas
Side: Alliance
Required Race: Worgen
Given by: Belrysa Starbreeze
Level: 9
Required Level: 5


Money: 3s
XP: 780

You get reputation with the following factions:

250 rep points with Gilneas

You get to pick one of the following:

Seryl’s Robes
Hightailing Leggings
Hotfoot Boots
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