The Blackmaw Doublecross

Quest Objective:

Wear the Ambassador Disguise and talk to Andorel Sunsworn to teleport into Blackmaw Hold. Speak with Ungarl to wreck the negotiations, then kill 4 Blackmaw Warriors and 4 Blackmaw Shaman on your way out.
  • 1. Negotiations Sabotaged
  • 2. Blackmaw Warrior slain (4)
  • 3. Blackmaw Shaman slain (4)
  • 4. Ambassador Disguise (Provided)
Category: Kalimdor
Area: Azshara
Side: Horde
Level: 17
Required Level: 15


Money: 18s
XP: 1600

You get to pick one of the following:

Treaty Breaker Gloves
Diplomatic Belt
Negotiation Stompers
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