A Hero’s Burden

Starts at: Moodle

Quest Objective:

Kill Artruis the Heartless.

While securing the aid of friends is highly recommended, Moodle will not be able to accompany you on this task.
  • 1. Artruis the Heartless slain
  • 2. Suggested players: 3

Ends at: Artruis’s Phylactery

Category: Northrend
Area: Sholazar Basin
Side: Both
Type: Group
Given by: Moodle
Level: 77
Required Level: 76


Money: 19g 50s
XP: 32100

You get to pick one of the following:

Choker of Binding
Blood-Infused Pendant
Artruis’ Focus Stone
Spiked Collar of Servitude
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