The Sapphire Queen

Starts at: Elder Harkek

Quest Objective:

Bring the Stinger of the Sapphire Queen to High-Shaman Rakjak at Frenzyheart Hill.

If you lose Dajik’s Worn Chalk, speak to Elder Harkek in Frenzyheart Hill.
  • 1. Stinger of the Sapphire Queen

Ends at: High-Shaman Rakjak

Category: Northrend
Area: Sholazar Basin
Side: Both
Given by: Elder Harkek
Level: 77
Required Level: 76


Money: 6g 50s
XP: 21400

You get reputation with the following factions:

500 rep points with Frenzyheart Tribe

You get to pick one of the following:

Chitin-Reinforced Hood
Stinger-Proof Chestguard
Insect-Filtering Faceguard
Bug-Smashing Pauldrons
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