Reclusive Runemaster

Starts at: Aurastrasza

Quest Objective:

Locate Dregmar Runebrand near his cave on the path to the cliffs overlooking the Mirror of the Dawn. Challenge him and uncover the name of the magnataur leader by any means necessary. Return to Aurastrasza at Wyrmrest once the information is obtained.
  • 1. Name of the Magnataur Warlord
  • 2. Suggested players: 3

Ends at: Aurastrasza

Category: Northrend
Area: Dragonblight
Side: Both
Type: Group
Given by: Aurastrasza
Level: 74
Required Level: 72


Money: 11g 20s
XP: 25950

You get reputation with the following factions:

350 rep points with The Wyrmrest Accord
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