A Lesson in Fear

Starts at: Sergeant Gorth

Quest Objective:

Gorth wants you to kill Ulf the Bloodletter, Oric the Baleful and Gunnar Thorvardsson and drive the Forsaken Banner through their corpses. Slay Vrykul across the Forsaken blockade until they appear.
  • 1. Oric the Baleful’s Corpse Impaled
  • 2. Ulf the Bloodletter’s Corpse Impaled
  • 3. Gunnar Thorvardsson’s Corpse Impaled

Ends at: Sergeant Gorth

Category: Northrend
Area: Howling Fjord
Side: Horde
Given by: Sergeant Gorth
Level: 71
Required Level: 68


Money: 4g 70s
XP: 20100

You get reputation with the following factions:

250 rep points with Horde Expedition

You get to pick one of the following:

Grounded Pants
Hex-Linked Stronghelm
Nimblefinger Band
Stoneground Cleaver
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