Mission: Eternal Flame

Starts at: Scout Knowles

Quest Objective:

Scout Knowles at the Ember Spear Tower has recommended that you use the Ever-burning Torches to destroy the four Plague Tanks surrounding Halgrind.
  • 1. Southwest Plague Tank Destroyed
  • 2. Northwest Plague Tank Destroyed
  • 3. Northeast Plague Tank Destroyed
  • 4. Southeast Plague Tank Destroyed

Ends at: Scout Knowles

Category: Northrend
Area: Howling Fjord
Side: Alliance
Given by: Scout Knowles
Level: 71
Required Level: 68


Money: 4g 70s
XP: 20100

You get reputation with the following factions:

250 rep points with Valiance Expedition

You get to pick one of the following:

Bone-Inlaid Bracers
Embossed Ermine Girdle
Magdun Spaulders
Runeplate Helm
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