Break the Blockade

Starts at: Bombardier Petrov

Quest Objective:

Take Petrov’s Cluster Bombs and drop them on enough pirates to kill or destroy 25 Blockade Pirates and 10 Blockade Cannons. Once you’ve accomplished that, return to Bombardier Petrov at Westguard Keep.
  • 1. Blockade Pirate slain (25)
  • 2. Blockade Cannons destroyed (10)

Ends at: Bombardier Petrov

Category: Northrend
Area: Howling Fjord
Side: Alliance
Type: Daily
Given by: Bombardier Petrov
Level: 71
Required Level: 68


Money: 4g 70s
XP: 20100

You get reputation with the following factions:

250 rep points with Valiance Expedition
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