Shizz Work

Starts at: Foreman Razelcraz

Quest Objective:

Use the Felhound Whistle to summon a Fel Guard Hound. Take the Fel Guard Hound for a walk and kill some Deranged Helboars. Search for the Shredder Keys in the Fel Guard Hound’s “leavings.” Return the Shredder Keys to Foreman Razelcraz by the mine northwest of Thrallmar.
  • 1. Shredder Keys
  • 2. Felhound Whistle (Provided)

Ends at: Foreman Razelcraz

Category: Outland
Area: Hellfire Peninsula
Side: Both
Given by: Foreman Razelcraz
Level: 61
Required Level: 58


Money: 4g
XP: 9800

You get the following:

5x Ez-Thro Dynamite II
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