Safety Is Job One

Starts at: Artificer Morphalius

Quest Objective:

Artificer Morphalius wants you to kill 10 Ethereal Crypt Raiders, 5 Ethereal Sorcerers, 5 Nexus Stalkers and 5 Ethereal Spellbinders.

Once that’s done, find the Ethereal Transporter in the chamber before Shaffar’s and activate it.
  • 1. Ethereal Crypt Raider slain (10)
  • 2. Nexus Stalker slain (5)
  • 3. Ethereal Sorcerer slain (5)
  • 4. Ethereal Spellbinder slain (5)

Ends at: Ethereal Transporter Control Panel

Category: Dungeons
Area: Mana-Tombs
Side: Both
Type: Dungeon
Given by: Artificer Morphalius
Level: 66
Required Level: 64


XP: 22600

You get reputation with the following factions:

350 rep points with The Consortium
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