Spy Hunter

Starts at: Frostworg Denmother

Quest Objective:

You must defeat 3 Stormforged Spies in the Valley of Ancient Winters.

Using the Ethereal Worg’s Fang at the Corpse of the Fallen Worg will summon an Ethereal Frostworg, which will expose hidden enemies. You are to return to the Frostworg Denmother in Dun Niffelem when the valley has been cleansed of spies.
  • 1. Stormforged Infiltrators Slain (3)
Category: Northrend
Area: The Storm Peaks
Side: Both
Type: Daily
Given by: Frostworg Denmother
Level: 80
Required Level: 77


Money: 7g 40s
XP: 22050

You get reputation with the following factions:

350 rep points with The Sons of Hodir
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